A bit about
the Miker
Hey, folks! Welcome to the Mikerspace—my name is Make. Get it? Cool. Because that dad joke is the linchpin of my entire enterprise, and it pains me to think that anyone would just think the name is dumb. Because it’s not… right?
I’ve been a software engineer for about 11 years, but woodworking has been a hobby of mine for a few years. It doesn’t get the time it deserves, because software development consumes a soul-crushing portion of one’s time, but I work the wood on the side for fun, practice, and beer money.
In 2022, as the political climate at work continued its long nosedive, I had my midlife crisis early, at the age of 31, and decided to quit software in favor of what brought me joy—woodworking. And thus, the Mikerspace was born! I’ve since returned to software under better circumstances, but this will always be something I’m passionate about.
And I want to empower you to explore the world of making, too! Visit my YouTube channel for instructional videos on everything from woodworking to home improvement to 3D printing to electronics. Or visit my Twitter and Instagram for some quick inspiration and project updates.
Thanks for stopping by!